
I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Computer Science Department at University of Wisconsin-Madison where I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Somesh Jha. I am interested in understanding the limitations of modern machine learning from security and robustness perspectives, and making the practice of machine learning to be more explainable and more trustworthy in real-world.

Address: 1210 W Dayton St, Madison, WI 53706
Email: <firstname> AT cs DOT wisc DOT edu
CV: [Download CV]


  • Adaptive Concept Bottleneck for Foundation Models
    Jihye Choi, Jayaram Raghuram, Yixuan Li, Suman Banerjee, Somesh Jha
    ICML 2024 Workshop on Foundation Models in the Wild
    [PDF] [BibTeX]

  • MALADE: Orchestration of LLM-powered Agents with Retrieval Augmented Generation for Pharmacovigilance
    Jihye Choi*, Nils Palumbo*, Prasad Chalasani, Matthew M. Engelhard, Somesh Jha, Anivarya Kumar, David Page
    MLHC 2024
    [PDF] [BibTeX]

  • PRP: Propagating Universal Perturbations to Attack Large Language Model Guard-Rails
    Neal Mangaokar*, Ashish Hooda*, Jihye Choi, Shreyas Chandrashekaran, Kassem Fawaz, Somesh Jha, Atul Prakash
    ACL 2024
    [PDF] [BibTeX]

  • RoFL-C3: Robust Federated Learning via Secure Cross-Client Checks
    Jihye Choi, Rahul Rachuri, Ke Wang, Somesh Jha, Yizhen Wang
    Under Submission
    [PDF] [BibTeX]

  • Identifying and Mitigating the Security Risks of Generative AI
    Clark Barrett, Brad Boyd, Ellie Burzstein, Nicholas Carlini, Brad Chen, Jihye Choi,
    Amrita Roy Chowdhury, Mihai Christodorescu, Anupam Datta, Soheil Feizi,
    Kathleen Fisher, Tatsunori Hashimoto, Dan Hendrycks, Somesh Jha, Daniel Kang,
    Florian Kerschbaum, Eric Mitchell, John Mitchell, Zulfikar Ramzan, Khawaja Shams,
    Dawn Song, Ankur Taly, Diyi Yang
    Foundations and Trends in Privacy and Security, Vol. 6: No. 1, pp 1-52
    [PDF] [Workshop]

  • Rethinking Diversity in Deep Neural Network Testing
    Zi Wang, Jihye Choi, Ke Wang, Somesh Jha
    [PDF] [BibTeX]

  • Why Train More? Effective and Efficient Membership Inference via Memorization
    Jihye Choi, Varun Chandrasekaran, Shruti Tople, Somesh Jha
    [PDF] [BibTeX]

  • Concept-based Explanations for Out-Of-Distribution Detectors
    Jihye Choi, Jayaram Raghuram, Ryan Feng, Jiefeng Chen, Somesh Jha, Atul Prakash
    ICML 2023
    [PDF] [BibTeX]

  • Stratified Adversarial Robustness with Rejection
    Jiefeng Chen*, Jayaram Raghuram*, Jihye Choi, Xi Wu, Yingyu Liang, and Somesh Jha
    ICML 2023
    [PDF] [BibTeX]

  • Revisiting Adversarial Robustness of Classifiers With a Reject Option
    Jiefeng Chen*, Jayaram Raghuram*, Jihye Choi, Xi Wu, Yingyu Liang, Somesh Jha
    AAAI Workshop on Adversarial Machine Learning and Beyond, 2022 (Oral Presentation and Best Paper Award)
    [PDF] [BibTeX]

  • Stochastic Doubly Robust Gradient
    Kanghoon Lee*, Jihye Choi*, Moonsu Cha, Jung-Kwon Lee and Taeyoon Kim
    arXiv, 2018
    [PDF] [BibTeX]

  • Data-driven Approach to Aesthetic Enhancement
    Jihye Choi, Sungjoon Koh, Jongwoo Kwack, Yonghun Kwon and Hyunjung Shim
    SPIE Electronic Imaging 2016
    [PDF] [BibTeX]

Selected Reports

  • Towards Causal Interpretation on Datacenter-scale Stragglers, Fall 2020

  • Computational Hardness in Robust Learning, Spring 2020

  • Concept-Based Explanations for Tabular Data, Spring 2020

Work Experience

  • Visa Research, Summer 2023
    PhD Intern (mentors: Dr. Ke Wang, Dr. Yizhen Wang and Dr. Rahul Rachuri)

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison, May 2020 - Present
    Research Assistant with Prof. Somesh Jha

  • Visa Research, Summer 2022
    PhD Intern (mentors: Dr. Ke Wang and Dr. Yizhen Wang)

  • Carnegie Mellon University, May 2017 - Mar 2019
    Research Assistant at CyLab with Prof. Lujo Bauer

  • T-Brain, SK Telecom, Apr 2018 - Sep 2018
    Research Intern

  • Yonsei University, Mar 2015 - Aug 2016
    Research Intern at Vision and Learning Lab. with Prof. Hyunjung Shim

Teaching Experience

  • CS 435 Intro to Cryptography, UW-Madison
    Teaching Assistant with Prof. Somesh Jha | Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Spring 2020

  • CS 412 Numerical Analysis, UW-Madison
    Teaching Assistant with Prof. Amos Ron | Fall 2019

  • 18-290 Signals and Systems, CMU
    Teaching Assistant with Prof. Aswin C Sankaranarayanan and Prof. Richard Stern | Spring 2017